How to Register

To proceed to the online payment system, you must make your subscription by clicking on the button "CREATE/ACCESS YOUR ACCOUNT" at the top of the Main Menu
Click "NEW ACCOUNT" to be redirected to the SUBSCRIBE form.
Fill out all information on the form. Please, pay attention to the fields where ONLY NUMBERS are allowed. After you have completed your subscription, SAVE the information and make your login with your email address and password used to subscribe.
A personnel MENU will open with access to links like:
PERSONAL DATA - where you can modify your personal information
PAYMENT - where you can make payment of Registration fee and the Conference Dinner through credit card and/or PayPal system.
CERTIFICATES - where you can access certificates of participation, presentation of work and receipt of payment.
SERVICES - where you can purchase additional services at the event, such as dinners, technical visits, posters printing, workshops etc.
ACCOMPANYING PERSON - where you can subscribe an accompanying person that will go with you to the event. ATTENTION: the accompanying person registration payment must be made on the link REGISTRATION.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel your registration, send an email stating your intent to cancel to
You must mention if you are part of any sessions, and indicate your intent to withdraw as well.
Requests received by 01 August 2019 will incur a 30% cancellation fee
Requests received by 15 August 2019 will incur a 50% cancellation fee
Requests received by 31 August 2019 will incur a 70% cancellation fee
Requests received after 31 August 2019 cannot be processed.